Smile line filler is great to correct stubborn smile lines. It also targets sagging that can occur at the corners of the mouth. Book a consultation today!

  • Any bruising or swelling you may experience ought to reduce and disappear over 24-48 hours. You would expect to see results immediately, with optimum results taking place, with a reduced and rejuvenated smile line area, a couple of weeks following your treatment, once the filler has settled.

  • Reduce the depth of your smile lines (giving a more contoured look), the shadowing on your lower face that is caused by the deep line pockets, give your skin a more rejuvenated and rehydrated look (helping you to look years younger).


Discover a more defined and balanced facial profile with our expertly administered chin filler treatments. Using safe and minimally invasive dermal fillers, our skilled professionals can sculpt and contour your chin, creating a harmonious and youthful appearance. Say goodbye to the concerns of a weak or receding chin and hello to newfound confidence. Book a consultation today!

  • Chin filler, also known as dermal filler or chin augmentation, is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that involves injecting a hyaluronic acid-based gel into the chin area. This treatment helps enhance chin definition, improve symmetry, and achieve a more balanced facial appearance.

  • Yes, chin filler is considered safe when administered by a trained and experienced professional. The hyaluronic acid used is a naturally occurring substance in the body, reducing the risk of adverse reactions. It's essential to choose a reputable medical spa and skilled injector for the procedure.


Eye fillers are used to lighten the tear trough, or under-eye area. They make that area look plumper and brighter. And reducing under-eye shadows can make you look well rested. Book a consultation today!

  • Hyaluronic acid filler is gradually absorbed by the body. People metabolize things differently — generally, under-eye fillers last for 6 months to a year.

  • Because dark circles are classically defined as sagging tear troughs and are generally caused by low skin volume beneath the eyes, using a dermal filler can help restore the amount of volume beneath the eyes to erase the appearance of dark circles.


Get the nose of your dreams with filler! Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure where dermal fillers are used to change the shape of your nose. Book a consultation today!

  • Nose filler lasts for 12-18 months, but if you get repeat treatments, you can get a longer-lasting result just with filler top-ups. Because the nose area is a low-movement area of the face (as compared to, say, the mouth or eyes), dermal filler injections tend to last longer than other areas.

  • Although there is little downtime associated with a non-surgical nose job, we suggest that you rest as much as you can the remainder of the day following your procedure. You can resume normal activity immediately, but it is important not to upset or disturb the nose for 1-2 weeks after your non-surgical nose job.