Skin Tags Price:
$70 (1) $170 (6)
Mole Removal Price:
Starting at $120
Give us a call to inquire about the price of additional removals.
Our Procedure
We use a Fibroblast Pen to burn the moles and skin tags off permanently. First, we numb the area and then burn the mole or skin tag down to the root.
It also treats dermatosis papulosa nigra, warts, keratosis, milia, cherry angiomas, skin tags, and moles.
Downtime: 7 - 10 days
Dark Spot Treatments
*Prices do vary depending on the size and placement of the body*
With our Pico and our IPL machine we remove dark spots on any part of your body.

What are Dark Skin Spots, and What Are the Causes?
Dark spots or skin pigmentation is a common condition caused by the overproduction of melanin, and it mostly affects people with darker skin tones.
Dark or sunspots are usually harmless but can be a cosmetic issue to some people.
There are many treatments available for dark spots. Some of the treatments include hydroquinone creams, topical retinoids, and laser therapy like Pico or IPL treatments.
The Plasma Fibroblast treatment uses a pen-like device that discharges a high-frequency electric current to small areas of the skin. The plasma tip does not directly touch the skin, it instead releases a targeted current just above the skin. The energy removes the extra skin and cauterizes cherry angiomas.
Generally speaking, skin tags are harmless, making them a great candidate for Plasma Pen. They are a benign (non-cancerous) growth formed by grouped collagen and blood vessels that are trapped within the skin. Typically, they are skin colored and are rounded or cylindrical in shape. Over time they can turn brown and reddish in color.
Skin moles are growths on your skin that range in color from your natural skin tone to brown or black. Moles can appear anywhere on your skin or mucous membranes, alone or in groups.
Skin tags occur when extra cells grow in the top layers of the skin. They tend to develop when the skin rubs against itself.
Skin tags do not grow back after removal. If you develop other skin tags in the same place after removal, you may just be prone to having them in that area.